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Application of Virtual reality technology to 3D animation production - Dr Zhao Jitao


Abstract: 3d animation appears frequently on the screen, which can bring people a new sense of viewing experience, and is loved by the public. As a new form of artistic expression, to show the characteristics of animation content, animation production needs to combine virtual reality technology to highlight the application value of 3D animation. In order to ensure the level of 3d animation production, it is necessary to analyze the application skills of virtual reality technology and combine the application forms of advanced animation technology to ensure the three-dimensional display effect of animation. Combined with the development of virtual reality technology, this paper analyzes the main characteristics of virtual technology and explores the key points of 3D animation production.

Key words: 3D animation; Virtual reality technology; Application characteristics

Introductions to the 0.

Virtual reality technology, also known as VR technology, is a comprehensive and integrated technology type. It was first applied in the late 20th century, including artificial intelligence, human interaction technology, computer technology, sensing technology and other different technology types. The application of virtual reality technology in THREE-DIMENSIONAL animation ultimately aims at integrating computer technology, Internet technology and other design methods to build a virtual environment and provide people with opportunities to explore the world and understand interesting space. Therefore, the application value of virtual reality technology is high, which marks the development trend of modern science and technology, and has a key impact on 3d animation production.

1. Overview of virtual reality technology

1.1 Basic Concepts

Virtual reality technology is a computer technology as the core, derived from the basic computer technology type, the magic, fantasy, real situation interlacing, forming a variety of perceptual experience technology application form. In the process of practical application technology, the use of virtual reality glasses, projection equipment with the use of physical space, perceptual experience is enhanced in the process of users in the movie, is the use of modern computer equipment, will turn their multifaceted human senses, realize effective coordination, network equipment, give a person a kind of immersive feel [1]. Virtual or reality itself are two opposite concepts. Virtual objects are used in the brain reconstruction process of reality, which provides users with the opportunity to enter the virtual world and bring them into the scene through sensory experience, finally forming a special form of interaction.

1.2 Technical Features

The characteristics of virtual reality technology are interactive, imaginative and immersive, and users have different sensory experiences in specific situations or environments. Of course, this environment is virtual construction, users have a good audio-visual experience, based on the environmental conditions created by technical means. The user has good sensory feedback and can form a real emotion based on the virtual environment. As shown in Figure 1 below, the characteristic of interaction is to interact with an object in a virtualized environment, and the accuracy and effectiveness of the interaction are strong in the process, which is also related to the immersion effect to some extent. The quality of imagination is that new feelings or ideas can still be obtained through the way of reproducing real scenes and passively receiving information. Users have the consciousness of active exploration and practice.


Figure 1: Virtual reality screen

The essential connection between 3D animation technology and virtual reality technology

2.1 Differences between the two

3d animation technology uses the pre-set path of the computer to arrange still photos and play them continuously, forming a form of continuous play, which itself lacks interactivity. Therefore, in the process of viewing works, users always maintain a passive state, and then obtain the corresponding information content in the works, which is the main difference between 3D animation technology and virtual reality technology [2].

The foundation of the application of virtual reality technology is to provide dynamic information content around the needs of users. The computer can realize fast calculation and output sensory information needed by the experiencer, including touch, hearing, vision and other aspects. The experiencer's ideas can also be displayed in the process. So the essence of using 3d animation technology or virtual reality technology is the difference in interactivity. This difference is a technical breakthrough, and it is obviously different from traditional animation production, which is conducive to the development of China's animation cause.

The difference between the two is also reflected in the effectiveness of user needs and other aspects, virtual reality scenes will replace the authenticity, the overall computing speed is relatively fast, but will not affect the real-time dynamic changes, and can only meet the most basic visual authenticity needs. In order to avoid the computer having to deal with massive amounts of information content in the process, simplified models or basic forms are usually used to replace some objects in the scene to improve the computing speed of the computer. In 3d animation modeling, to show the artistic expression and authenticity of the model, many animation characters do not conform to the real situation in terms of facial proportions and body movements due to the pursuit of beauty or artistic treatment. There is also the creation of virtual characters and things, as shown in figure 2 below, such as the fantasy scenes in mobile games and costume dramas, can be shown through technical processing. Virtual reality pays more attention to reality, and the application of 3D animation technology should highlight the need of artistic creation. There are essential differences between the two.


Figure 2: Fictitious character design

2.2 Association between The two

Three-dimensional animation technology and virtual reality technology also have a certain internal connection, the foundation of virtual reality system construction, is the application of three-dimensional model in the virtual world, in the process of using the three-dimensional software in the computer implementation. This is similar to the application of 3D animation technology in modern animation production. At present, the development of information technology can provide 3d animation production software in various forms [3]. In the process of constructing virtual models or output images, 3D animation has a more ideal way of expression in the technical application stage. In the process of expression, the two have certain similarities, and the basis of technical processing is based on 3D graphics technology. The essence of virtual reality technology can show people's pursuit of 3D animation technology and the development direction set. Visible virtual reality technology, to some extent, is also the performance of the comprehensive development and innovative application of 3D animation technology.

3d animation technology and virtual reality technology can complement each other and have the characteristics of complementarity, which can be embodied in information interaction. Virtual reality technology combined with Internet technology, THREE-DIMENSIONAL graphics technology, hardware sensors and other technical means to achieve realistic scene construction, users and virtual reality system to complete spatial interaction, technical means to create a new world. 3d animation technology is not interactive enough, but pays more attention to the expression of artistic characteristics. Its own defects are repaired by using virtual reality technology to enhance the interaction and expressive force of art. 3d animation can show the virtual world after computer processing, and bring more real visual experience to the experiencer, which is also the basic condition for the completion of virtual reality.

3. The value of virtual reality technology in 3d animation production stage

3.1 Adjustment of animation concept

In the process of animation production, technicians pay more attention to the realization of the artist's ideas, control the process of image movement, complete the construction of drawing ideas, and finally express personal ideas in the quality of the picture. The camera is used to shoot the picture process, the scene is shot according to the drawing requirements, and the technical forms such as bottom plate development, sample production and sample editing are carried out in the later stage. The process setting of each link is complex, and more technical personnel are involved in it, which will lead to the increase of enterprise cost investment. And after the emergence of three - dimensional animation, the staff use computers to conceive animation. Application of virtual reality technology has made the picture more realistic image, environment performance, virtualization process from plane to three-dimensional visual communication process, original animation creation idea get adjustment, in the animation stage by using virtual reality technology can realize work no dead Angle, build more stereo image of the characters, scenes, etc.

3.2 Formation of three-dimensional visual elements

The original animation works are two-dimensional and three-dimensional display forms, and the visual experience of the works in the space is affected. And under the background of modern technology, animation display form, especially after three dimensional space planning, use of virtual reality technology to complete the real space structure, the user can in the technology, can interact at any time, with different Angle to watch the work, the user's visual experience, finally the animation effect is significantly increased. The control of three-dimensional visual elements is quite different from the traditional animation production form, which can provide users with a more novel feeling.

3.3 Virtual reality products and applications

VR glasses are commonly used head-mounted display equipment in the application stage of virtual reality technology. In the production stage, simulation technology, network technology and sensing technology will be utilized to build interactive scenes and become the main media suite for human interaction. In the stage of 3D animation production, different forms of VR glasses can be used to display works in the network system or mobile phone screen to achieve the characteristics of immersion and interaction, which can bring people a stronger visual impact and improve the appeal of the picture. With the application host to complete the animation task, the use of VR glasses can project the content on the screen, the picture is more realistic and effective, but also can achieve the purpose of relieving the user's eye fatigue.

4. Relevant measures of applying virtual reality technology in the stage of 3D animation production

4.1 Physical status tracking

In the process of animation production, virtual reality technology is introduced, and the object tracking system is adopted to complete the purpose of real-time tracking object motion state, and the object tracking of effective data information is completed according to the actual work needs. In the process of technicians to adjust the motion state of the object, in view of the camera can't realize before some, the use of virtual reality technology to adjust or modify, people in the real scene of observed objects, also can complete reality technology transformation under the technical support, users actively involved with the system interactive relationship, the audience's visual experience hearing sense and feeling. Audiences will have different visual experience in the process of watching animation works. In order to ensure that the audience can effectively participate in the interactive process and obtain a good sensory experience, it is an important step to effectively combine personal feelings with the environment and analyze the real experience of users in the stage of practical work. Using virtual reality technology, thinking about the user's thinking changes when watching animation works. Virtual reality technology is regulated according to actual needs, and the goal of creating a fictitious environment is to create an interesting and authentic interactive atmosphere for users. Application in the process of making 3 d animation, virtual reality technology is on the other hand, also need to combined with the practical transformation strategy, carries on the physical status tracking, timely and effective data information content, optimized production technology in the process, ensuring reasonable application of virtual reality technology, the diversified material application, the application value of the virtual reality technology is also rising.

4.2 Construction of 3D animation model

Modeling is the core of 3d animation technology application, technical personnel's professional strength and comprehensive control ability, can be shown in the process. Modeling needs to make character models or animation scenes, and use modern technology to build a more realistic and virtualized environment to provide convenient conditions for users. In the process of using virtual reality technology, do a good job in animation imitation and technology research, summarize the existing work experience, apply more professional animation production technology, improve the picture conversion effect, and flexibly switch between multiple interfaces. According to the application requirements of character materials and picture materials, the corresponding materials will be integrated and utilized in the process of model construction, and the corresponding information will be shot or collected, usually by aerial photography, to complete the in-depth animation production. According to the actual situation, the application points of virtual reality technology are analyzed, the corresponding knowledge content and technical characteristics in the animation production stage are deeply analyzed, and the final creation level of the picture is improved. In the process of building 3d models, the original form of objects should be preserved, and the effective connection between network technology and real things should be realized according to the characteristics of object movement, so as to continuously improve people's animation production ability. Virtual reality technology can be used to improve the value of model utilization. Real-time scanning can be used to complete the retention of 3d data and information in coordinates, laying a foundation for the subsequent strengthening of technical management.

4.3 Apply adjustment techniques

Virtual reality technology is used in the process of 3D animation production. It is necessary to ensure the effective combination of various technologies and methods in the creation process. On the one hand, it is necessary to ensure the mutual cooperation of production technologies and methods. It is also very important to use the adjustment technology in the process to enhance the sense of reality of the scene. In the process of 3d animation production, adjustment technology is used to complete the integration of data features, while computer technology is used to process or analyze data, and later data modification and adjustment are completed through data insertion, superposition, repair and other ways [4]. After several technical processing, the application value of the data can be guaranteed, and the construction of the adjustment mechanism in the stage of 3D animation production can be deeply analyzed. After further analysis and summary, a more perfect animation production system can be built. Obviously, using the adjustment technology in virtual reality technology can improve the standardization and effectiveness of data processing and ensure the overall effect of animation production.

5 conclusion

The application of virtual reality technology in the process of 3d animation production should highlight the value of technology application, better meet the needs of staff, complete the technical optimization. In the practice stage, it is necessary to combine the actual industrial development, do a good job in international exchanges and cooperation, learn advanced experience, combine the requirements of 3d animation creation in China, highlight the advantages of technology application, promote the comprehensive development of 3D animation in China, and show the application value of virtual reality technology.


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