Holographic Academy Subject classification


quantum holographic communication, Plasma Holographic Communication, photon holographic communication, maglev holographic communication, brain machine holographic communication.

Research Field

Quantum holographic communication:

Quantum holographic communication, based on the quantum polarization state for both parties to negotiate and share, quantum mechanics "quantum non-cloning theorem" to ensure that a third party can not intercept the test of the quantum state of these photons without changing them. Quantum holographic communication in the level of physical principles, the comparison of the special: quantum approximation cloning; The theory of quantum holographic communication still has a lot of space to explore, as qubits transmitted by future quantum computers are used for entanglement, storage and post-test.

Photon holographic communication:

Replace electronic implementation with photon holographic communication more quick and safe optical communication, they can more quickly (within a few nanoseconds) control as well as the wavelength used in optical communication network path and the polarization of photons, new photonic circuits can be integrated into the existing optical communication network, in photon holographic communication more add dimensional rendering, significantly improve the performance of the network. New research is a step closer to making optical quantum communication possible.

Quark holographic communication:

In this particular holographic model, the quark's heavy quark number magnetization and diffusion constant, and their dependence on the magnetic field through hydrodynamic expansion or numerical solution of differential equations. This enables us to determine the response of these transfer coefficients to the magnetic field. We found that the anisotropic diffusion caused by the magnetic field is stronger in the longitudinal direction than in the transverse direction. In the realization of quark holographic communication, we support our discovery at least qualitatively by analyzing the suspension lines of heavy quarks diffusing in the magnetic field.

Maglev holographic communication:

Maglev holograms communicate with each other, allowing us to record holographic data of rapidly moving objects by forming holograms using ultrashort electromagnetic pulses. The holographic principle is used to collect and store broad-spectrum electromagnetic radiation, which, because radio waves and light are electromagnetic waves, is generally considered to be equal to the speed of light. Therefore, it is very important to obtain VHF information hologram by magnetic levitation holographic communication.

Brain machine holographic communication:

Brain-machine connection, brainwave signals are transmitted to the computer via brain-machine interface devices, and are displayed on the screen in the form of images and sounds very visually. Signals from the visual cortex are read in real time, allowing you to control it by simply wearing it at the back of your head. The transmitted holograms maintain good visual fidelity and allow users to interact. Bci can upload, store, download and even modify neural information, convert ideas into data signals that can be recognized by computers, and display them through holograms.